Few Health Tips

Few Health Tips

Early Sign Of Pregnancy

Do you know those very early signs of pregnancy? Read the following points.

Missed Menstrual Period:

It is one of the early signs of pregnancy and it makes women aware of her gestation.


Nausea appears in the first two months of pregnancy calendar. Women feel it in the day and night alike.

Tender Breasts:

This symptom appears during the fourth and sixth week after women getting pregnancy. It continues through out the first trimester.


Fatigue or sleepiness usually begins in the first week of gestation.

Abdomen Bloating:

Abdominal bloating appears because of some hormonal changes happen in the body during early pregnancy stages.

Frequent Urination:

Women experience this symptom between 6th and 8th week of her pregnancy.


Constipation, one among many other initial pregnancy symptoms, occurs due to high level of progesterone hormone in the body, which slows down digestion.


All About Acne


Acne is a common skin disease that is found in people of all ages. Causes of acne are genetic. It can occur at the time of birth, start at the age of ten, eleven or even at the age of forty and later.

Causes of Acne:

As mentioned above, causes are mostly genetic. However, the real causes are not just one but many. These causes are direct linked to the changes happened to a child while he/she passing through childhood and become an adult. Besides the hereditary factor, some of other major causes of acne are food, hormone imbalance, dirt, and reaction of some type of drugs and cosmetics.

Types of Acne:

There are various types of acne are found these days. Such acne are found in the form of Whitehead, Blackheads, Papules, Pimples, and Cysts. There are many other types of acne classified based on which age they are appearing. They primarily include child acne, adult acne, and teen acne. As its names implies, these skin diseases appears at different stages of people.

Face Acne:

Face acne are generally found in the forms of blemishes, blackheads, and pimples. Mostly teenagers are affected by it. It is because of rapid hormonal changes occurring during the course of time when a child becomes an adult. Some of the remedies to prevent this type of acne are mentioned below.

- Change your pillow cover every day.

- Keep your hair and face always clean from excess oil and dirt.

- Do not allow hair to fall on your face or forehead areas to avoid contact of oily hair.

- Control eating oily food.

Body Acne:

Body acne, appears mostly because of genetic reasons, and develops on most of the parts of a body and some times this type of acne causes more trouble than face acne.


It is better to adapt some acne prevention methods before it start developing on your body. However, when you are already affected with it then choose some of the best acne treatment options available. At first, find out the root cause of forming acne and then find solutions to eradicate the same cause.

- Start acne medication as soon as you spot anything develops on your body. It is better to seek advice from your specialist when you want to choose good acne diets. Find out if your food or medicines aggravate its formation.

- Avoid excessive exposure to sunlight and heat. Use good acne facials suggested by your dermatologist.

- Do not squeeze the pimple. It will only destroy the skin tissues and that in turn make a permanent scar.

Besides all the precautions and remedies mentioned above, you can also try some of the best natural and herbal treatments that can remove all sort of acne without any side effects.


Many of the dermatologist and leading hospitals offer acne help facilities at their centers. Plenty of new products are available in the market to combat different type of acne and people can very well visit any medical center and asked for the same.
