Before and After Losing Weight

Before and After Losing Weight

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I’ve been asked to post my before and after photos. So here they are in all of their glory. If you haven’t guessed, the picture on the left is before I lost the weight. It was taken late May 2006, several months after the birth of my second daughter. I weighed approximately 200 pounds. It was a challenge to find a “before” picture because I hardly took any. I’m a visual person and I hated the way I looked and felt so I purposely avoided being in pictures. The image on the right was taken during the 2007 holiday season. I now weigh 123 pounds. Yup, that’s a 77 pound weight loss! For me, it was difficult to lose weight while I breastfed my babies. I know, most women lose weight while breastfeeding. NOT ME. It wasn’t until after I weened my 2nd child, that I started my weight loss.I can’t tell you how much better I feel. My weight loss was the best gift I could have given myself and my family!
