Applying For Scholarships For Beauty School - Worth the Work?

Applying For Scholarships For Beauty School - Worth the Work?

Applying For Scholarships For Beauty School - Worth the Work?Applying For Scholarships For Beauty School - Worth the Work?Applying For Scholarships For Beauty School - Worth the Work?Applying For Scholarships For Beauty School - Worth the Work?Applying For Scholarships For Beauty School - Worth the Work?Applying For Scholarships For Beauty School - Worth the Work?Applying For Scholarships For Beauty School - Worth the Work?

Regardless of the type of training you seek-hair stylist, nail technician, make-up artist, esthetician, or barber-it is critical to select a school, academy, or institute that is accredited by a national organization such as the National Accrediting Commission for Cosmetology Arts & Sciences (NACCAS). An accredited program will not only ensure you get the experience you need to succeed, but is also most likely to offer financial aid, grants, scholarships, or loans to help cover tuition costs.

A scholarship and grant for beauty school is a set dollar amount awarded to the student to cover tuition and sometimes associated costs (such as room and board, meals, books, etc). Scholarships are typically awarded based on merit, that is, your grades from high school, or even college. In some cases, students who struggled academically in high school yet still demonstrate promise in the beauty industry can take extra measures by attaching a personal essay to his/her scholarship application, or by acquiring personal recommendations. Salon schools and or top cosmetology programs will also consider awarding scholarships based on a student's financial situation or ethnicity.

The most important aspect of applying for scholarships to a beauty academy is to do your homework:

1) conduct comprehensive online searches,
2) don't pass up any opportunity to apply, even for the smallest dollar amounts,
3) apply early, and
4) ensure your application is complete and has a professional appearance.

Scholarships and grants for beauty school are awarded either through federal or state governments, or through private entities, such as the beauty school you are applying to, or sponsoring organizations and private individuals. Here is list of opportunities for you on resources for important information on these worthwhile financial-aid opportunities.

o ACE Grant
o AHBAI Scholarship
o American Cosmetology Education Grant
o Aveda Institute Natural Talent Scholarship Contest
o Federal Pell Grant
o Federal Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant
o Fred Luster Sr. Education Foundation
o Jeanette Rankin Foundation
o NCEA Scholarship
o Sally Beauty Supply
o Sports Clip Scholarship
